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🪪 Licenses

Open source

At, we believe in the power of open-source software to drive innovation and improve the quality of our services. As part of our commitment to these principles, we want to acknowledge the open-source libraries and tools that have contributed to the functionality and performance of our platform. This page provides an overview of the open-source software we use on the server side of and the respective licenses under which they are made available. We're deeply grateful to the talented developers and the open-source community for their invaluable contributions, which enable us to deliver the best possible experience to our users while upholding the principles of open collaboration and shared knowledge.

Open source projects used in node packs inside our editor:

Modified sources:

All modifications made to the open source projects are accessible from our github page:

Note about our future plans:

We aim to enhance the extensibility of Flowt by empowering our users to create custom nodes for our platform or utilize pre-existing node packs with minimal adjustments. Although this aspect of our platform is currently under development, we have integrated nodes from the specified node packs to provide our users with access to the latest features in the stable diffusion space.

Note for developers:

If you're one of the mentioned developers and believe that we have not given due recognition to your work or have not adhered to its licensing terms appropriately, we encourage you to get in touch with us at [email protected].
If you're an experienced developer and would like to help us make our platform even better, please get in touch with us at [email protected].